Research Fellows + Interns

Research Fellows + Interns

ALI maintains a fluid base of collaborators from all over the world, and is welcomes fellows and interns. Though currently unable to offer funding to visiting Research Fellows, we are able to offer a collaborative work environment, extensive professional network, and in-kind support resources for drylands design research and dialog.  Qualified collaborators who bring their own funding are encouraged to drop us a line at

Visiting Fellows

Carolina González Vives, an architect and a PhD Candidate at the School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM), is a design professor at the School of Architecture, University of Alcalá and a regular contributor to digital media on urban planning, sustainability and architecture.  As a Spring 2012 visiting fellow at ALI, Carolina explored her interests in urban water systems and architectural monumentality.  In "Visualizing Urban Hydrology: The Design of a Wet Surface," she documents urban projects whose historic and technological flows reveal a hydrologic palimpsest.

Dr. Gini Lee and Brooke Madill of Australia were awarded a Professional Research Grant for their joint project, "Re-Investing the Line: Small Infrastructures, Micro-Communities, and Communication Ecologies for the American West."  The grant was used to do fieldwork from Texas to California; to charette in Los Angeles; and to present the work at ALI's Drylands Design Conference. Gini is a landscape architect and interior designer, and the Elisabeth Murdoch Chair of Landscape Architecture at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Brooke is her design collaborator, and is undertaking her own PhD, “investigating the links between tourism, infrastructure, critical landscape design practice and arid landscapes.” 

Research Interns

ALI offers semester-long collaborative research opportunities to graduate and advanced undergraduate students. Qualified students receive a combination of stipends, technical training, fieldwork experience, and mentoring.  Our most recent interns have brought expertise from a variety of backgrounds and institutions:

Nicoletta Stork, Bachelor of Arts in Geography, California State University Northridge, Research Intern Fall 017

Anna Farley, Bachelor of Arts in Geography, California State University Northridge, Research Intern Fall 2017

Mudit Murarka, candidate, Bachelor of Arts, Geochemistry and Environmental Analyis, Pomona College, Claremont, CA, Research Spring 2017

Jack Piper, Bachelor's of Science, Civil Engineering, University of Sydney, Australia, Research Intern Spring 2017

Gabriel Stein, candidate, Bachelor of Arts, Physics, University of Chicago, 2016, ALI Special Projects

Elizabeth Plascencia, Bachelor of Sciences in Geology, Dickinson College, 2016, ALI Research/Communications Intern
Kathryn Jacaruso, Bachelor of Arts in Studio Arts, Colorado College, 2017, ALI Communications Intern 
Narek Tashdjian, Master's of Science in Architecture, Columbia University, Woodbury School of Architecture B.Arch, Summer 2016 Design/Fabrication Intern
Ethan Dingwell, B.Arch. candidate, Woodbury University School of Architecture, 2013 ALI Research Intern
Lilly Kerrigan, Master of Landscape Architecture, USC, 2012 ALI Research Intern
Phillip Burkhardt, M.Arch, Washington University, St. Louis, 2012 ALI Research Intern
Jessica Rossi-Mastracci, Master of Landscape Architecture, Penn, 2011 ALI Research Intern


Interested in research opportunities with ALI?  Please get in touch.

ALI welcomes collaborators from design disciplines, engineering, public policy, economics and business, cultural criticism, history, sciences, and the arts. Send us a letter, CV, and/or selected portfolio telling us of your interests, your gifts, and how they might fit within, or expand the boundaries, of ALI.