Sponge City: Understanding Stormwater and its Urban Design Implications @ AIA_LA UDC

AIA|LA Urban Design Committee Presents:
Sponge City: Understanding Stormwater and its Urban Design Implications
Guest Speakers: Hadley Arnold, Peter Arnold
Sponge City: Understanding Stormwater and its Urban Design Implications
will introduce architecture and urban design professionals to the most advanced research on LA's stormwater resources and how it can be used to inform planning, policy, and design choices.
Using the Upper LA River Watershed as study area, The Arid Lands Institute [ALI] will present recent high-resolution modeling commissioned by water agencies, showing precise opportunities and constraints on harvesting local water.
The seminar will take a fine-grain look at several case study sites, the existing mechanics of hydrologic function on those sites, and how future design might optimize them for urban resilience.
For more information, please contact:
Director, Government and Public Affairs
AIA Los Angeles
3780 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90010